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At Stanley Grove Primary Academy, we believe every child can develop an understanding and enjoyment of Mathematics. We also accept that different children learn in different ways. We teach a mastery curriculum based on the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach.

Concrete is the ‘doing’ stage, using concrete objects to solve problems. It brings concepts to life as children have the opportunity to be hands on and use physical objects to aid them in developing their understanding. 

Pictorial is the ‘seeing’ stage, where representations of the objects are used to support learning. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object and abstract levels of understanding, by drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem. 

Abstract is the ‘symbolic’ stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model and solve Mathematics problems. 

White Rose Maths

At Stanley Grove Primary Academy we use White Rose Maths schemes of learning, and advanced version of similar resources for developing deeper understanding, in order to provide a comprehensive and expertly designed journey though the world of mathematics. White Rose Maths is based on a small steps approach that keeps all learners together. By using the resources across the school, we can ensure consistency of the mathematical elements and comprehensive coverage of the curriculum. We believe that this approach will facilitate consistent delivery of Mathematics across the school and across the inevitable attainment range within year groups. It is also designed to support mathematicians who require more time and visual representation to grasp fundamental concepts and those who require challenging further to achieve Greater Depth. 

If you would like to learn more about the way Mathematics is taught in our school, please click anywhere on the picture.

White Rose Resources support us to provide:  

• CPA (Concrete / Pictorial / Abstract) representations.  

• Variation (Procedural / Conceptual). 

 • Logical and effective small steps.  

• Vocabulary. 

 • Manipulative usage.  

White Rose Maths resources support: 

• All learners through a whole class learning approach. 

• EYFS stage learning. 

• Visual representation designed to show concepts clearly. 

• Re-visiting of concepts. 

• Bar models for problem solving. 

• Clear progression of calculation. 

• Fluency of calculation and concept with ‘Flashback 4’ questions 

Manipulatives are: 

• Used purposefully and appropriately. 

• They are available for appropriate lessons – this builds a mental picture of a mathematical concept 

 • Manipulative use develops through concepts as the learner moves from EYFS to Y6 

Fluency – Number facts  

It is critical that children know the number facts in line with their year group and the maths they are learning. Without secure number facts, learners have to spend too much processing time calculating rather than investigating and practising new concepts. Subsequent years build on that experience. EYFS follow the White Rose schemes of learning – principally securing the representations of numbers up to 10 and recognising number to 20. Children are encouraged to spot patterns and identify differences through variation. EYFS children begin their fluency journey by noticing and recalling numbers up to 20. EYFS practise is predicated on exploration and discovery with songs and repetition to secure foundational knowledge. 


 • Through the White Rose learning journey and the clear small steps approach, the teachers, support staff and the pupils assess their learning continuously throughout the lesson 

• At the end of the unit, block assessment tasks are completed, where children have the opportunity to reflect on their knowledge and understanding. 

 • Three formal assessments take place in a year. 

 • We are developing our assessment systems to enable teachers to make informed judgements about the depth of learning and the progress learners have made over time.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The following elements will be monitored:

• Planning (Powerpoint of each lesson and sequence) 

 • Children’s books 

 • Pupil conferencing and classroom practice visits through Learning Walks. This monitoring will be fed back to staff and governors. 

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Stanley Grove Primary Academy
Parry Road, Longsight
Manchester M12 4NL
Ofsted CEOP